Thursday, January 29, 2009

2 Week Anniversary

I believe yesterday marked Petra's 2nd week on earth! She was born January 14 - so, plus 14 would equal January 28...

She's doing fine. And, Natasha's doing fine, too...

We're just living our lives. Trying to create a "schedule." It's sort of difficult, because I'm trying to think of the things I would like to get done, before our parents show-up, from Ukraine. (We want to paint the guest bedroom, and I would like to re-caulk our shower)... Stuff like that...

I'm getting ready to fill-out the form to send into the newspaper, to announce Petra's birth - to the world! (Like having this Blog didn't reach enough people already).

Our friends, and co-workers keep giving us presents! We need to keep track of who all gives us what, so we can send them "Thank-You" cards...

Well, Petra is getting smarter everyday. She doesn't cross her eyes as much...

I just remembered that I hadn't mentioned that we had visitors this past weekend. My Grandma Stenger, and my Aunt Janet, and my Mom, and my Sister Kara, and my little Niece - Heidi, and her Little Brother - Braden (1 month old) - all came down from Cincinnati to visit with us!!! It was alot of fun to host family in our new house! They helped out alot with Petra, since Natasha was feeling sick... We hope more family and friends will be able to make the trip down to Orange...

Take Care,


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