Wednesday, January 14, 2009


Petra was born, today - January 14, 2009!

She's a very healthy (and hungry) and beautiful baby girl!

Petra Anna McMahan was born @ 1:05pm, today.

She weighed 7 pounds, 8 ounces.

She was 21.7 inches long.

Natasha is very happy and relaxed to have completed her pregnancy and labor.

Actually, labor didn't seem to be that bad. Natasha received medicine to induce her labor and medicine for the pain of contractions and delivery.

Last night (Tuesday night) at about 10:30pm Natasha had her first real labor pain. We went ahead and went to bed, but the labor pains came back. We were already scheduled to come to the hospital at 7:30am on Wednesday, so we contacted the hospital and came over last night.

It turned out Natasha was having "false labor." But, we slept in our room over night, then at around 7:00am this morning, they woke us up, and started all the steps to deliver this baby.

Here's some pictures:

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