Saturday, March 14, 2009

2 Month Anniversary

Petra was born on January 14, 2009 - and today is March 14, 2009... That means she is 2 months old!
She's getting bigger, stronger, and smarter each and every day. Our Ukrainian parents are helping so much - to raise Petra and take care of her better than any Day Care Center ever could. We're very lucky, happy, and thank-ful that they came to stay with us during this time - while Natasha goes back to work, and Petra still seems too young to be sent away every morning to a Day Care.
In other news, the economy seems to get worse everyday. Here's a link to a story about Orange County, VA - that I work for:

O.k., that's all for now. (Petra is set to be baptised on Easter - April 12).

1 comment:

Belinda and Justin said...

Its hard to believe that she is already 2 months old! I need to stop by and see her as Im sure that she has grown so much! Keeping you in our thoughts and prayers that you job is kept! These trying times are going to hit every home!