Thursday, January 29, 2009

2 Week Anniversary

I believe yesterday marked Petra's 2nd week on earth! She was born January 14 - so, plus 14 would equal January 28...

She's doing fine. And, Natasha's doing fine, too...

We're just living our lives. Trying to create a "schedule." It's sort of difficult, because I'm trying to think of the things I would like to get done, before our parents show-up, from Ukraine. (We want to paint the guest bedroom, and I would like to re-caulk our shower)... Stuff like that...

I'm getting ready to fill-out the form to send into the newspaper, to announce Petra's birth - to the world! (Like having this Blog didn't reach enough people already).

Our friends, and co-workers keep giving us presents! We need to keep track of who all gives us what, so we can send them "Thank-You" cards...

Well, Petra is getting smarter everyday. She doesn't cross her eyes as much...

I just remembered that I hadn't mentioned that we had visitors this past weekend. My Grandma Stenger, and my Aunt Janet, and my Mom, and my Sister Kara, and my little Niece - Heidi, and her Little Brother - Braden (1 month old) - all came down from Cincinnati to visit with us!!! It was alot of fun to host family in our new house! They helped out alot with Petra, since Natasha was feeling sick... We hope more family and friends will be able to make the trip down to Orange...

Take Care,


Sunday, January 18, 2009

Day 4

Our lil' sweet, angel Petra has been with us for 4 days, now! Four of the best days of our lives... (except for the pain Natasha feels each time she nurses Petra)...

We bought airplane tickets for our Ukrainian Parents. They'll be visiting us from February 17th to June 6th! We plan on atleast bringing them to Cincinnati for Easter. Maybe we'll make some more trips. They will help us by watching Petra when Natasha goes back to work, in 6 weeks.

Let's see, what else? Not much. Just trying to keep taking care of Petra.

Here's some more pictures:

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Day 2

Day 2 and Petra is 100 times even cuter...

Natasha is healing from her delivery wounds. (some minor tearage).

I'm just relaxing. I don't think Natasha has changed any diapers, yet. But, it's pretty fair, because I haven't been nursing Petra.

If everything continues to progress as normal, then we should be going home tomorrow.

Petra's doing great!

I'll attach some more photos and video.


Kevin, Natasha, and Petra

P.S. - Thanks to everyone who has called or emailed Congratulations. I guess we're sort of busy, but we'll probably talk to everyone, eventually. Maybe if we wait until the weekend, we won't go over our "minute allowance"...

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

More Pictures First Day

Petra's Pictures

I'm waiting for my earlier blog entry to be "published." (The video has to be reviewed).


Petra was born, today - January 14, 2009!

She's a very healthy (and hungry) and beautiful baby girl!

Petra Anna McMahan was born @ 1:05pm, today.

She weighed 7 pounds, 8 ounces.

She was 21.7 inches long.

Natasha is very happy and relaxed to have completed her pregnancy and labor.

Actually, labor didn't seem to be that bad. Natasha received medicine to induce her labor and medicine for the pain of contractions and delivery.

Last night (Tuesday night) at about 10:30pm Natasha had her first real labor pain. We went ahead and went to bed, but the labor pains came back. We were already scheduled to come to the hospital at 7:30am on Wednesday, so we contacted the hospital and came over last night.

It turned out Natasha was having "false labor." But, we slept in our room over night, then at around 7:00am this morning, they woke us up, and started all the steps to deliver this baby.

Here's some pictures:

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

7 Days Left

Natasha only has 7 Days left! The doctor said if Natasha does not have this baby by January 15th, that he will induce her on that day. (Our due date was January 13th).

We're both anxious and ready for little Petra to come-out and let us see what she looks like!

Yesterday, our neighbor Belinda came over and took some pictures of Natasha and I together, in "Baby Shots"...

We're still finishing-up things here in our house. Natasha's busy cleaning baby clothes. I'm busy fixin' up the nursery.

Now, it's just a matter of waiting.

It's been hard for me to concentrate at work. I'm sort of wondering what my life will be like, as a daddy... I hope I'm a good one...

Talk to you later,


Thursday, January 1, 2009

Week 38 of Pregnancy!

It's New Year's Day, and it's the 38th Week of Natasha's Pregnancy!

Still no baby...

Natasha's belly is really big. Lil' Petra is kicking alot. We're both excited and ready to see what she looks like...

We had a nice party last night, for New Year's Eve. Alot of our friends spent the evening celebrating the New Year, at our house. We're happy so many of our close friends decided to hang-out with us...

We're still busy getting the house in order for Petra's Arrival.

Not much else is new.

We're definitely looking forward to a wonderful 2009! We're hoping Natasha's parents will be able to come and visit us and stay with us for a while. Alot of family and friends have mentioned that they would like to come and visit us. We'll see how it all plays out...

Take Care,
