Sunday, October 9, 2011

October 9 2011

It's been a while since I wrote on our blog, so I decided to write something. I just finished cuttin' the grass. Petra was "helpin" me. She's gettin' bigger and smarter and more beautiful everday! Natasha and I really got lucky to have such a perfect little girl! You can really tell she has alot of our character in her. Petra's stubborn, just like her mom and dad. And, she's caring, like us too. (You can see this when she holds our bird). She has feelings, and she "wears them on her sleeve" like her parents do. (She can start cryin' over the littlest things). Her best character is that she's seems to be friendly and outgoing. (I watch her make eye contact with adults and says hi to strangers in the store and on the street).

What I've learned from being a parent is that children learn from you, even when you're not actively trying to teach them something... They learn by observing. When they watch you treat others a certain way, then they will mirror your actions. It's a reminder that being a parent/teacher is a full-time job.

I think sending Petra to day care has been really helpful, since she doesn't have any brothers or sisters to interact with. She gets alot more opportunities to experience how to get along with others, by going to pre school everyday.

Allright, I've got to go wash this grass off me.

I'll post some pictures first.

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