Friday, January 21, 2011

1 week after Petra's 2nd Birthday

It's one week after Petra's 2nd Birthday! We had a really fun time celebrating last Saturday! Alot of our friends and Petra's friends came to our party. The best surprise was that my mom, Kara, Heidi, Braden, & baby Bella all showed-up to surprise us on Friday night!!!

It was really nice to have family visit us!

On Sunday, we went to "Fun Land" in Fredericksburg! (The funnest part was getting a bunch of tickets and buying toys).

Then, we went out to dinner at Denny's! I had breakfast, for dinner...

On Monday morning, Natasha went to work (Martin Luther King Day), and me and Petra played at home...

I'll post some pictures.

Friday, January 14, 2011

Petra tip toeing on blocks

Petra 2nd Birthday and Didyc Mikhael passed away

I wrote the same on my facebook page - Today is a bitter-sweet day... It's Petra's 2nd Birthday! But, Natasha also learned this morning, that her Grandpa passed away yesterday (and was buried today)...

Petra and I took Natasha some flowers and a card to her, at her office. She had an important meeting, today, so she's atleast going to work a half-day.

I know she wishes she could be with her family, in Ukraine - But, it's just not a good idea to travel at this time (work, weather, money, etc.).

I imagine Natasha and Petra will visit Ukraine this summer. So, she will have a chance to visit his grave...

Tomorrow we have a party planned for Petra. It will be a sad and happy time...

We marked on the wall in Petra's closet how tall she is. She's like 6 inches taller than last year. (I'll take a picture)....

Natasha's been busy fixing-up and painting some of the rooms in the house. It's her hobby to decorate...

Saturday, January 1, 2011

January 1 2011

Happy New Year's! Today is January 1, 2011! In 13 days, Petra will be 2 years old!

We've been pretty busy around here. The week before Christmas, Petra and Natasha visited our friends in Tampa, Florida.

Then, on Christmas weekend, we drove home to our family in Cincinnati.

Then, last night, we spent New Year's Eve celebrating with our friends and neighbors.

Natasha has been doing alot around our house. She had me helping with painting the entryway and front room.

We've been considering purchasing a new car. And, we need to buy a new vaccuum...

So, we'll see what the new year holds for us...

Petra is getting smarter everyday! She still can't say the alphabet or count to ten...

We want to teach her more songs, too.

I'm pretty sure Petra will be moving-up to the next level of her pre-school (with the 2 - 5 year olds), this Monday. We'll see...

Allright, I put-up some pictures.