Sunday, December 18, 2011

Sunday, October 30, 2011

October 30 2011

It's been 21 days since my last blog entry! Time's flyin' by really quickly! There's not much new for me to write about, I just wanted to keep our blog active. Today, we spent some time at our neighborhood block party. Earlier in the day, Natasha and Petra visited Josh and Jennifer's house, to see their new donkeys.

Tomorrow is Halloween, and Petra's really excited to dress-up and go get some candy!

o.k., I have to go put Petra to bed.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

October 9 2011

It's been a while since I wrote on our blog, so I decided to write something. I just finished cuttin' the grass. Petra was "helpin" me. She's gettin' bigger and smarter and more beautiful everday! Natasha and I really got lucky to have such a perfect little girl! You can really tell she has alot of our character in her. Petra's stubborn, just like her mom and dad. And, she's caring, like us too. (You can see this when she holds our bird). She has feelings, and she "wears them on her sleeve" like her parents do. (She can start cryin' over the littlest things). Her best character is that she's seems to be friendly and outgoing. (I watch her make eye contact with adults and says hi to strangers in the store and on the street).

What I've learned from being a parent is that children learn from you, even when you're not actively trying to teach them something... They learn by observing. When they watch you treat others a certain way, then they will mirror your actions. It's a reminder that being a parent/teacher is a full-time job.

I think sending Petra to day care has been really helpful, since she doesn't have any brothers or sisters to interact with. She gets alot more opportunities to experience how to get along with others, by going to pre school everyday.

Allright, I've got to go wash this grass off me.

I'll post some pictures first.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

September 15th 2011

It's been a few weeks since I posted something on our blog... It's been a busy few weeks. We went to New York City, which was fun until I kept getting lost in the car and it wouldn't stop raining...

The County schools started two weeks late, because of the earthquake.

I've started writing stories for the highschool football team, again.

I'm about to start-up with the County Youth Council, again - if Natasha will let me...

Natasha's been really busy, since she's started her college classes, again.

I'll try to post some recent pictures.


Sunday, August 28, 2011

Week of Aug. 21 to Aug. 28

This past week was a very busy week! Last Sunday, Natasha and Petra were supposed to arrive at Ronald Reagan Airport, in Washington D.C. But, their plane from NYC to Washington D.C. was cancelled. So, they spent the night on the floor, in the airport. Then, on Monday morning, I had to leave work to pick them up from Fredericksburg. Natasha did not want to wait at the Airport, so they took a $120 taxi ride to the halfway point, between our house and Washington D.C. So, I got them home, and then got in trouble at work for leaving to go and pick them up.

Then, on Tuesday afternoon, while I was at home for lunch, a earthquake hit our house! It was a 5.9 on the Richter Scale, and located about 30 miles from our house. So, my work was closed for the rest of the day, at 3:00pm.

Because of earthquake damage, all of the schools were closed for the next two weeks. I think teachers are coming back this week, but the students won't come to school until after Labor Day. (I'm still not sure when Petra will be going back to day care).

So, then this past Friday, Natasha decided to have her wisdom teeth pulled-out. (They've been hurting her for a while, and she couldn't open her mouth all of the way, so she decided now was the best time to have them taken-out).

But, I'd already agreed to write the story for the high school varsity football team, on Friday night, so I had to leave Natasha at home with Petra. (Luckily, some of our neighbors came to hang-out with her and make sure she was alright).

Then, yesterday, we were ready for Hurrican Irene to hit our house. Luckily, it did not come this far inland, so we didn't have too much wind damage...

Now, today's Sunday, and we decided to take Petra to Chuck E. Cheese's today! She's always talking about it, so we decided it would be a fun thing to do.

Ohh yeah, also last Sunday I bought a Canary bird off of Craigslist, from a family near Washington D.C. I've just been calling him "Bird." But, Natasha and Petra saw a bird in Ukraine, named "Kreesha," so they call our Canary that name. But, the name that he had with his original family was "Boise"...

Basically, we're just happy to have made it through this past week...

I'll try to post some photos.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Natasha 29th Birthday

Today (August 17th), is Natasha's 29th birthday! Her and Petra are still in Ukraine, so they celebrated over there... Soon they will be home, and then I will be able to relax...

Sunday, August 7, 2011

7th Wedding Anniversary

Today, August 7, 2011 is mine and Natasha's 7th wedding anniversary! Sadly, Natasha and Petra are in Ukraine, and I'm home alone... It's sad, but part of life when you have family in another country...

We spoke earlier today on Skype, which was good! Petra was speaking Russian and Ukrainian!

I decided to do something besides stay at home, so I went to the movies and saw Planet of the Apes. It was pretty interesting, but it ended just when it was starting to get interested... (Another part will probably come-out in a couple years)...

So, I've started putting a wood floor in the front entry-way of our house. It's what Natasha wanted for her Anniversary present. It looks pretty good, so far.

Well, I'm going to work a little on office work, and then it's back to the "grindstone," tomorrow.

- Keva

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Natasha and Petra still in Ukraine

It'd been a while since I wrote on the blog... So, I'd thought I'd write that Natasha and Petra are still in Ukraine. Not much new around here. I haven't started replacing carpet with wood floor, yet. We'll see if I get around to it...

Some of my family is coming to visit this weekend! So, that will be fun!

Take care,


Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Petra and Natasha in Ukraine

Natasha and Petra have been in Ukraine since last Sunday. And, even though it's only been 3 days, it seems like alot longer... Ofcourse I miss them and I hope their doing fine over there. I know that Natasha loves to visit her friends and family. And, I know they love to spend time with them. So, I've just been getting caught-up on some of the work around the house.

Natasha would like for me to put in a wood floor in as much of the house as possible... We'll see.

Monday, June 20, 2011

Fathers Day 2011

I had a wonderful Father's Day, this year! I went to a Minor League baseball game, in Richmond - while Natasha and Petra visited the Children's Museum, in Richmond. Then, towards the end of the game, Natasha and Petra joined me at the baseball stadium... I don't think Petra would've sat still for the whole game, but she had fun just seeing the end of the game. Then, she got to run around the bases, afterwards... I'll post some pictures and video.

In other news, it's the end of the school year. Petra got into some poison ivy last Thursday, and she's been taking medicine to clear-up the poison ivy on her face and hands...

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Photos from Virginia Beach Memorial Day 2011

Photos from our trip to Virginia Beach - Memorial Day 2011

Natasha Car Crash

Again, it's been a while for me to get around to making a post... We've been busy doing different things, since the weather has gotten so much hotter! Last weekend (Memorial Day Weekend) - we visited Virginia Beach. Then, two days ago on Friday, a man on a motorcycle ran into the back of Natasha's new car!!! So, we're now in the process of trying to arrange to have her bumper replaced.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Recent Photos

Here's some photos from the past couple of weeks...