Monday, October 26, 2009

October 26th

Everything's going good with us. We're just livin' our lives. Petra is getting older and cuter and smarter everyday.

Petra is more than 9 months old. She's not walking yet, by herself, but she moves around holding onto charis. She really likes pushing boxes, chairs, baskets, and anything else she can move around on the floor.

Yesterday, we'd wanted to take a trip to the National Zoo in Washington D.C., but decided to stay close to home, instead. We made a picnic and spent a few hours at Lake Orange, just enjoying the air.

Tonight I had an important Planning Commission Hearing. I felt an obligation to say what I felt needed to be said. With experience I will become a better public speaker. I think there are two parts to speaking - what you want to say and how you say it. Tonight, at least I got my point across, I realize I could have done it more smoothly, though...

Hmm... What else? Well, Natasha and Petra are gettin' excited about the trip to Ukraine they have planned for Christmas time. It will be sad to be away from them, but I know Natasha will love to see her family. They will be very happy to see Natasha and lil' Petra!

o.k., till next time...

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