Saturday, August 22, 2009

Late Summer - Early Fall

It's gettin' to be late summer, early Fall. Petra, ofcourse, is getting smarter everyday! When does that stop?!?

We let her try a frozen popsicle, today. She really liked the SUGAR! (she started crawling around the house like one of those "super antz" that have seemed to have gotten faster, by eating Petra's Similac formula that gets spilled all over the counter.

So, I guess it's a matter of time before Petra starts walking. We're excited about that...

She seems to be doing good in Pre-School - except she has a constant runny nose...

One thing, I noticed Petra learned how to "make her body go straight" - so she'll slide out of your hands when you try to pick her up off the ground, and she wants to get back down...

She still only says "Mama." I'm trying to get her to say "Dada," and "Baabaa" (for bottle - not Ukrainian Grandmother)...

Allright, take Care,


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