Sunday, August 30, 2009

Petra is SO SASSY

Here is proof that Petra is so Sassy!

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Late Summer - Early Fall

It's gettin' to be late summer, early Fall. Petra, ofcourse, is getting smarter everyday! When does that stop?!?

We let her try a frozen popsicle, today. She really liked the SUGAR! (she started crawling around the house like one of those "super antz" that have seemed to have gotten faster, by eating Petra's Similac formula that gets spilled all over the counter.

So, I guess it's a matter of time before Petra starts walking. We're excited about that...

She seems to be doing good in Pre-School - except she has a constant runny nose...

One thing, I noticed Petra learned how to "make her body go straight" - so she'll slide out of your hands when you try to pick her up off the ground, and she wants to get back down...

She still only says "Mama." I'm trying to get her to say "Dada," and "Baabaa" (for bottle - not Ukrainian Grandmother)...

Allright, take Care,


Monday, August 10, 2009

Almost 7 months 5 year Wedding Anniversary

Petra's 7 month birthday will be August 14th. Mine and Natasha's 5 year Wedding Anniversary was August 7th. We went to our friend's Josh and Jennifer's house last Friday, and had a nice little party! It was really fun to hang-out with them and Jeremy and Allison.

Petra's getting so smart! Today was her first day of Daycare. She's sooo strong to be able to spend her day away from mommy and daddy. I went to visit her at lunch time, and she was sort of in shock that we had sent her to this place, but we hope that eventually she will learn to like going to spend time with her new friends...

It's getting close to the end of summer. Today was Natasha's first day of work. I can tell she's going to miss spending her day at home.

We're planning a 27th Birthday Party for Natasha, this Saturday! I hope we're able to get the house in order before then.