Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Still Volunteering!

We opened this week's newspaper and found an article which included a picture of us!
From the way things are going, you would think Natasha and I are the only ones doing "extra-curricular" work - here in the Town of Orange.
Besides us volunteering at the Art Center (as discussed in the newspaper article), I am 1 of the 5 Planning Commissioners for the Town, and now it looks like I'm going to be working as a "freelance" Sports Correspondent with the Orange County Review (the paper which included the story on us volunteering and my first Highschool Football Game Report - both in this week's paper)!

Let's see how long we can keep this up...

This weekend we're planning on going door-to-door here in Town trying to get people to vote for Barack Obama...
O.k., I'll include the volunteer article in this Post, and my first Highschool Football Report, in the following Post. (Keep in mind, the newspaper's editor took some much needed "liberties" with the incomplete story I had provided him with, on Sunday night. (I think in 2 weeks, when the first game of the regular season is held, I will be expected to write a more complete story)...
Later, Kevin

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Kevin; that is awesome that you write for the paper. I've always wanted to be a write like that. Did you take the picture too?