Friday, August 22, 2008

Country Fried Home Videos!

Today I received a phone call from some producer with "Country Fried Home Videos."

He said they want to use the video of our wedding on their show!

He said they're going to pay us $500, for sure, then maybe we'll see if we are chosen as the funniest video, and maybe we'll receive more money!

When we find out the day and time of the show, we'll be sure to post it here, and let everyone know.

All winnings from our video will go to Natasha's parents, who are in the middle of remodeling their house...

In other news, we're moving closer to buying the house at 286 Parker Place!

The seller accepted our offer. We have agreed to a 30 year FHA Mortgage for $190,000 at 6.25 % - with a $6,000 down payment.

I have a home inspection scheduled for Monday at 5:00pm.

I ordered Home Insurance through Geico, for $313 a year.

Right now, a local lawyer is researching the title and deed to the house...

So, we'll keep you informed on that.

As for the baby, Natasha says she can feel the little one kicking, now and then. So, that's good.

Natasha completed her first full week as a Special Education Teacher for Orange County Public Schools. She enjoys her job, very much. She enjoys the respect she is given, because her job is more prestigious than before (changing diapers).

Also, Natasha started her on-line class, this week.

She is studying how to work with students with disabilities. I hope she passes.

That's it for now. Til' later, Kevin.

1 comment:

Kim Mc said...

Happy Birthday Natasha!!! I am soooo sorry I am late.