Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Managing Blog

I'm trying to manage this blog.

I want to include different options, like a "slideshow" and a "visitor counter," but it's sort of hard to understand.

Natasha's doing fine. I'm pretty sure she has a doctor's appointment this Firday, so maybe we'll learn a little bit more about how the baby is growing.

Yesterday we started to get nervous, because we were beginning to realize that once our baby is born, we'll have to find someone to babysit during the day, so Natasha can continue working...

We started to look-up possibly having someone come and live at our house, and watch our baby during the day.

Natasha was thinking one of her cousins could come and live with us...

We'll see how things go. We'll probably end-up finding someone who is willing to watch younger children.

Please feel free to post comments...


Blueshawk said...

I have had a special male relation ship with this man. We used to met at our special place "Zion hill" that was the code word for our favorite male experimentaion place. It make me think of apples, fishing, and one malt two straws. We would bread chicken in a large kitchen together and when no one was watching we would take off our shirts and spray each other down in slow motion. Oh his stomach it was so gorgeus ("kevins stomach" youtube.com). Somtimes when I sit on my porch with the sounds of Westfest in the ditance I long for him on the other straw of my malt.

Kim Mc said...

Kevin???? Ummmmm who is this person? Sounds kind of strange to me.... LOL!

Kevin McMahan said...

Dear Mr. Blueshawk,

I'm not sure who you think you are!

If you don't have anything better to do, than to play some games, please play them somewhere else.

There's a good chance you have me confused with somone else, which I can understand - That's only human...

I hope you have a nice life.


Kevin McMahan