Saturday, April 21, 2012

Well, it's been at least 1 1/2 months since my last posting...  I was thinking I would give-up on this blog.  But, again, that's not fair to everyone who might want to read it...
I've just been in a sad mood, and not really feeling like writing.  But, I, ofcourse, know that someday it will be nice for people to read this and remember...
Well, I've applied for the PhD program, in Germany.  Now, I have to wait until the end of May - to find-out if the selection committee would like to interview me.  Then, even if I'm asked to be interviewed - I'll still have to be chosen over all of the other interviewees...  I really hoping that I am accepted into this program!
We've been doin' some interestin' things the past couple of weekends.
Last Saturday, I volunteered at a Mud Warrior race, in my county.  Then, on Sunday, we visited the house of one of my friends, had a picnic and played with his oxen and horses!
Today, Natasha went to a wine tasting with her friends, and Petra and I went to the Chesapeake Bay!  On the way to the beach, we stopped at the birthplace of George Washington!  (I tried to explain to Petra that the picture of the President on the $1 bill was born at this place)...  She's only 3, and she didn't really understand.  But, I know she had fun exploring, anyways.
Well, it's late, and I need to get to bed.  But, I'll upload a couple pictures.  I'll try to make more time to keep this blog up to date.
One other thing.  I've been watching Henry Rollins, on You Tube.  If you have time, you should watch this video:

Take care,
