Sunday, December 23, 2012

Christmas 2012

Here's a Christmas Wreath that petra made at school!

Friday, August 10, 2012

Petra - Our lil' Angel

Here's a picture of Petra walking on the path at George Washington's birthplace, taken a few months ago.  When I saw it, I initially envisioned angel wings on her back, and light shining on her face...

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

July 2012

  It's been a while since I posted something - and, today I thought I might just forget about this blog...  But, it's hard for me to give-up on something...  I hope this blog is around for a long time.  I started it to keep a memory of our lives (me, Natasha, and Petra).  Someday, I hope Petra reads this and is happy that I created this memory...
  Natasha and Petra have been in Ukraine since July 7th.  I've been enjoying the time by myself - but - ofcourse I miss them.
  Today, I spoke to them for the first time, since they've been gone - on Skype.  Petra was very happy to see me and talk with me!  It made me feel good - to see her beautiful, smiliing face!  I really don't know how any parent can be away from their children... 
  Yesterday, I heard the song - "The Best Things In Life Are Free."  I understand that even more, now.  I'd give everything to spend time with my family. 
  I sent some links to Natasha the other day.  I'll post them here:

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Well, it's been at least 1 1/2 months since my last posting...  I was thinking I would give-up on this blog.  But, again, that's not fair to everyone who might want to read it...
I've just been in a sad mood, and not really feeling like writing.  But, I, ofcourse, know that someday it will be nice for people to read this and remember...
Well, I've applied for the PhD program, in Germany.  Now, I have to wait until the end of May - to find-out if the selection committee would like to interview me.  Then, even if I'm asked to be interviewed - I'll still have to be chosen over all of the other interviewees...  I really hoping that I am accepted into this program!
We've been doin' some interestin' things the past couple of weekends.
Last Saturday, I volunteered at a Mud Warrior race, in my county.  Then, on Sunday, we visited the house of one of my friends, had a picnic and played with his oxen and horses!
Today, Natasha went to a wine tasting with her friends, and Petra and I went to the Chesapeake Bay!  On the way to the beach, we stopped at the birthplace of George Washington!  (I tried to explain to Petra that the picture of the President on the $1 bill was born at this place)...  She's only 3, and she didn't really understand.  But, I know she had fun exploring, anyways.
Well, it's late, and I need to get to bed.  But, I'll upload a couple pictures.  I'll try to make more time to keep this blog up to date.
One other thing.  I've been watching Henry Rollins, on You Tube.  If you have time, you should watch this video:

Take care,


Thursday, March 1, 2012

March 1 2012

I'm sure it's been a few weeks since I wrote something on our blog... Still, our situation is not completely stable... We're tryin' to figure-out what's goin' to happen... It's been difficult and stressful... I wish everything would go back to normal. I need to remind myself that I can't control certain things. (It's easier to say, then to do it)...

Natasha and I believe we will be making some changes, it's just a matter of what changes and when...

I wish we would concentrate on the positive things, and not think we have so many problems... We could look at others, to remind ourselves of how nice our life is...

Oh well, hopefully something positive will happen - so I have something good to write about...

Well, actually, Petra is doin' really well! She's smarter and more beautiful - everyday!!! I hope that she is a loving and caring person when she's older. (I read somewhere that up to like age 3 is when a child "learns to love." So, if you don't teach them how to do this, then they will not be able "to love" when they get older)...

I think we did a good job at teaching Petra this very important ability...

Till next time,


Thursday, February 2, 2012

Groundhog Day 2012

The last post I made was on Dec. 18th, 2011...

There's a few reasons why I haven't written.

Bascially, I haven't had a good mood for it.

But, it's not fair to Petra...

On Jan. 14, 2012 - Petra turned 3!!!

She's so smart and so beautiful!

Natasha and I are sooo lucky to have such a wonderful gift from God!

I looked at Petra the other night, and I told her that I thought she was an Angel that God had given to us.

When times are tough, I need to remember to concentrate on all of the good things in my life...

I keep reminding myself that life is too short to go through it with anger in your heart. It is important to accept that there are things that you cannot control. It is important that I work hard, to make the most of the things I have control of.

I'm sure everything will be fine.

- Kevin