Saturday, April 23, 2011

Night before Easter 2011

It's the night before Easter, 2011. It's been a few weeks since I wrote a post for our blog... I've been meaning to, but just never got around to doin' it...

I guess alot has been happenin'... Today, Petra took part in two Easter egg hunts!

We've started "pricin'" airplane tickets for Natasha and Petra to fly to Ukraine, this summer.

This past Monday, I wrote a letter to the County Administrator - informing her of my intention to run for U.S. House of Representatives. I have not yet received a response.

Today was the first time I mentioned my intentions on Facebook. *I made sure to state that I still need permission, before I can officially begin campaigning. (I hope I'm granting permission)!

Hmm, I'll post some pictures

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Petra on Slide

Birthdays and Pickin' Flowers

Lately Petra's been goin' to her friends' birthday parties and pickin' flowers that are poppin' out of the ground... I'll put-up some pictures.