Wednesday, March 30, 2011

March 29, 2011

I was thinking about it, and I thought I would make a record of what Petra and I did yesterday, after I picked her up from school... Natasha was shopping in Fredericksburg, so I got to pick-up lil' Pepa! Since it was some nice weather, I decided to take Petra to Lake Orange. When we pulled-up we saw some geese, so we got-out and tried to feed them some cheese curls... When those geese ran-off and swam away in the Lake, we drove to the other side of the parking lot and saw two more geese. These ones were hungrier and less afraid. Then came-up and ate a few of Petra's cheese curls. Then, Petra threw some rocks in the water. Then, we got back in the car and drove back to Town. On the way back, I noticed a herd of cows near the fenceline, along Route 20. So, we parked the car in the County Bus Parking Lot, and walked across the street to get a closer look at the cows. Petra couldn't help herself, and had to stop and pick flowers along the way. She LOVES flowers! - Our "nature girl!" Then, after watching a couple of the cows go to the bathroom - which Petra calls "ca-ca!", we stopped-off at the Library. In addition to pickin' flowers, Petra really LOVES the library! One of her favorite things to do is put together puzzles that the library has in a couple different baskets. She LOVES those puzzles! Then, we grabbed a couple books and 3 movies (1 about a surfing Penguin, 1 about Ernie Davis, and "50 First Dates"). After making it home, I worked on cooking dinner (frying some meat, noodles, frozen vegetables, and garlic bread - which I forgot to put in the oven at the beginning, so I had to wait for the oven to heat-up to 450). I gave Petra a string cheese stick to eat, while I made dinner. Once Petra made it home, we sat-down together and had a nice dinner! Just a typical day in our lives... I really enjoy being a Dad! Petra's in a stage where she likes to call me "Kevin" instead of Papa or Daddy. I don't mind. I remember thinking, it's not what you say, it's how you say it. If there's sarcasm in your tone, you could be telling someone you love them, but if you don't mean it - then it's no good... I know that Petra loves her mom and dad very much! We're lucky to have such a smart, caring, loving, intelligent, energetic, healthy - gift from God! Love, Momma and Papa

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Update Mid March 2011

Time for an update. It's mid-March, 2011.
I've been meanin' to post something, but just haven't made the time...
What have we been up to?
Natasha bought a new car! A 2011 Red Prius II! We ended-up goin' to Maryland to buy it, since the dealer in Charlottesville wasn't willin' to work for our business...
What else have we done lately?
I'll have to look through our Photos.
I'll post some...

I remember, a few weeks ago we gave a Presentation about Ukraine to a Boy Scout Group, at Orange Elementary. Natasha did really well teaching about
her homeland. I know the kids learned alot of new information that they would never had known otherwise...