Saturday, April 24, 2010

Petra more than 15 months Old

Petra's more than 15 months old! She's doing well, and getting smarter every single day! She knows the sounds that about 15 different animals make, and she knows some of her different body parts, and other various things...

She really enjoys going to day care, and playing with all of her friends there, and with the teachers there.

Last Sunday we entered Petra in her first Beauty Pageant. She didn't do too well... She got about 5th place - out of 5 contestants in her group. The reason she did so bad was because she started crying as soon as the competition started. The start time was pushed back from 10:30am to 12:00pm. And, 12:00pm just so happens to be when her nap time starts...

In the end, it was a fun experience, and we learned how it feels to try to get your kid to do something, that they really don't want to do - in front of a big group of people...

Today, Petra helped-out with her first "environmental cleanup." In honor of the 40th anniversary of Earth Day, a group of our neighbors got together and picked-up trash around our part of Town. It was a nice feeling to do something nice.

One last thing, today we put together a little outdoor playhouse for Petra! She loved it, and now she has a new place to play make-believe...

I'll put-up some photos.

P.S. - Another day, a few weeks ago, we visited the farm of one of my friends, here in Orange. Petra had a chance to play with horses, oxen, and two dogs...

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Petra Spring 2010

Some pictures from Spring 2010!