Saturday, September 26, 2009

Dinner with Jeremy

Our ol' neighbor and friend, Jeremy, stopped by for dinner this past week. Petra "took right to him." She loves guys with beards! It looks like we'll definitely have our hands full "keepin' the boys away"... As, Petra has a natural talent for "makin' eyes"...

Friday, September 18, 2009

More than 8 months

Petra is more than 8 months old!

Where has the time gone?!? It goes by soooo fast...

Natasha and I are staying busy with our jobs and with Natasha taking online classes, and me volunteering on different Committees and reporting for the Newspaper...

Petra is really enjoying her daycare - with Kerry, Pat, and Shirley and all the boys (Langston, Max, Carson and her friend Blair)...

I'm trying to start a new Group called the Young Professionals of Orange County. (My intention is to create a Group for others, not entirely for myself)...

I'll add some pictures.

We're getting ready for Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Natasha and Petra's Trip to Ukraine this winter.



Oh yeah, I was goign to give a status on Petra's growth. She's not yet walking entirely by herself. She stull holds on to tables and chairs as she moves around on her feet. She's really good at crawling, though. She's starting to clap her hands, and sway back and forth when music is playing. We want to teach her to wave bye-bye. She knows how to say Mama and Dada. But, she gets them mixed-up sometimes. Except, when she really wants Mom, she says Mama for sure...