Saturday, August 30, 2008

Pictures from Sonogram / Ultrasound

I wanted to post some pictures from our visit to the Doctor's office - to have our first ultrasound / sonogram.

Our baby weighs 13 ounces and is 20 weeks old. (The Doctor said our baby is healthy and on target to be born on January 13th).

Natasha's set to go back in 4 weeks for an update.

Thursday, August 28, 2008


Well, today we found out that it's a 90% chance (the doctor could be wrong) that we're having a GIRL!

Look-out, because I'm going to be a protective father... (We'll see how long that lasts)...

We're both happy and now Natasha can't wait to go shopping with our little princess!

Well, I'll post 2 of the ultrasound pictures.

Later, I'll post some of the pictures from the doctor's office.

Look Out Miss America! Here comes "Petra Anya!" (one of the potential names we're thinking to use).

Also, "Adelina" is another name we might choose.

We might end up waiting for our daughter to be born, and by looking at her, she might "choose her own name"...

Later, Kevin

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Kevin's First Highschool Football Report!

Here is my first, much anticipated Highschool Football Report!

Don't ask me how I get wrapped-up in these things. That's just how my life is...

I saw an article in last week's newspaper asking for journalists. I sent an email and the Newspaper Editor decided to grant me this responsibility...

It's not like I'm reporting on Elder or Oak Hills or Moeller. I'm reporting on a Highschool that I don't know anything about. I don't know any of the history. Who the rivals are, etc.

But, I guess by the end of this season, if I don't get replaced, or I don't give-up, I will know all I need to about the Fighting Hornets of Orange County!

Wish me luck.

Still Volunteering!

We opened this week's newspaper and found an article which included a picture of us!
From the way things are going, you would think Natasha and I are the only ones doing "extra-curricular" work - here in the Town of Orange.
Besides us volunteering at the Art Center (as discussed in the newspaper article), I am 1 of the 5 Planning Commissioners for the Town, and now it looks like I'm going to be working as a "freelance" Sports Correspondent with the Orange County Review (the paper which included the story on us volunteering and my first Highschool Football Game Report - both in this week's paper)!

Let's see how long we can keep this up...

This weekend we're planning on going door-to-door here in Town trying to get people to vote for Barack Obama...
O.k., I'll include the volunteer article in this Post, and my first Highschool Football Report, in the following Post. (Keep in mind, the newspaper's editor took some much needed "liberties" with the incomplete story I had provided him with, on Sunday night. (I think in 2 weeks, when the first game of the regular season is held, I will be expected to write a more complete story)...
Later, Kevin

Friday, August 22, 2008

Busy Weekend!

This past weekend was even busier than others we've had.

Friday night we attended the Orange County High School vs. Madison High School Football Game. I am trying to become a writer for our local newspaper, the Orange County Review, so I sat next to the Paper's Editor, and learned how to take notes on a football game. (It really makes you pay closer attention to each play)...

Then, on Saturday, we went into Culpeper and did some shopping. While we were there, we stopped by the Barack Obama office to sign-up for Canvassing in Orange. While we were in the office, one of the Volunteers had us putting together pamphlets for Barack Obama. (I got the impression that they wanted to make us feel like we were "contributing," and they wanted us to realize that even little tasks are a big help, when alot of them are completed by alot of people)... Then, we came home and cleaned-up around the house, and Natasha worked on her Teaching Lesson Plans and her Online Class with University of Phoenix.

Then, on Sunday, we volunteered at the Arts Center in Orange. Then, Natasha worked more on her Lesson Plans and Online Class.

Now, today at 5:00pm, we're going to meet the Home Inspector and our Real Estate Agent - at our new house, and see more closely what it is we're buying...

Oh yeah, our little baby starting kicking inside Natasha's belly, a whole bunch, at the Football Game. Either we're going to have a Football Player or a Cheerleader...

Country Fried Home Videos!

Today I received a phone call from some producer with "Country Fried Home Videos."

He said they want to use the video of our wedding on their show!

He said they're going to pay us $500, for sure, then maybe we'll see if we are chosen as the funniest video, and maybe we'll receive more money!

When we find out the day and time of the show, we'll be sure to post it here, and let everyone know.

All winnings from our video will go to Natasha's parents, who are in the middle of remodeling their house...

In other news, we're moving closer to buying the house at 286 Parker Place!

The seller accepted our offer. We have agreed to a 30 year FHA Mortgage for $190,000 at 6.25 % - with a $6,000 down payment.

I have a home inspection scheduled for Monday at 5:00pm.

I ordered Home Insurance through Geico, for $313 a year.

Right now, a local lawyer is researching the title and deed to the house...

So, we'll keep you informed on that.

As for the baby, Natasha says she can feel the little one kicking, now and then. So, that's good.

Natasha completed her first full week as a Special Education Teacher for Orange County Public Schools. She enjoys her job, very much. She enjoys the respect she is given, because her job is more prestigious than before (changing diapers).

Also, Natasha started her on-line class, this week.

She is studying how to work with students with disabilities. I hope she passes.

That's it for now. Til' later, Kevin.

Monday, August 18, 2008

Happy 26th Birthday, Natasha!

Yesterday was Natasha's 26th birthday!

We had a party to celebrate on Saturday night.

It was pretty fun. I made Bar-B-Q sandwiches, and no one got sick - as far as I know. Though, I may still get sick, since I'm busy trying to eat all the leftovers, before it goes bad...

Now, we're busy - working on buying our home, and with Natasha starting "on-line classes" with University of Phoenix. (It's going to be hard for Natasha to concentrate and read all the different chapters and reports, for her class)...

One of these days I want to create a "List of Baby Names" for visitors to our website to vote on. Then, maybe we'll choose whichever name is most popular...

Allright, till' next time...

Friday, August 15, 2008

Friday is Here!

The past two days have been very busy, for both Natasha and I.

We've been working on a bunch of different things.

Natasha has been getting trained for her new teaching job, and I've been trying to get settled everything we need to do to buy our house.

Apparently the seller accepted our offer of $190,000, plus the seller pays up to $5,700 in closing costs.

Tomorrow, we will go to the Real Estate Agent to sign the "sales contract." Basically, this guarantees we will be buying this house, for this agreed upon price.

I met with a Mortgage Lender, today. She worked it out, so we will be paying 6.25% interest on an FHA Loan for $190,000. We need to pay around $5,000 to $6,000 for a down payment.

We still believe we're getting a "good deal" on this house. Our monthly payment is going to be a little under $1,500 a month. There's not much we can do about it. Hopefully Natasha and I will keep working, and we'll be able to make the payments on time.

Someday, down the road, we should be able to sell this house for a good price. So, we need to look at this as an "investment opportunity."

The day that we should be "taking ownership" of our house is scheduled for September 25th.

Wish us luck!

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Time keeps ticking by...

Natasha and I seem to just be passing time...

The weeks seem to go by really fast. At least for me.

Natasha is busy starting her new job, as a Special Education Teacher for Orange County Schools.

I'm busy just trying to do my best at my job, as a Planner with Orange County Department of Community Development.
I'll try my best to keep this blog up-to-date.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Another Sunday - Another Day of Looking for a House to Buy...

We went looking for a house to buy, again, today.

We must be spoiled or something, because the only houses we seem to be interested in are the "brand new" ones!

But, we can't seem to get the idea out of our mind, that if we buy a nice big house, for a little less, now, that we'll be able to sell it for more, when we're ready to move - which will probably be in about 5 years...

Another reason, it seems like most of the little houses cost around $175,000 or $185,000. Why not pay $190,000 for a house that's like 2 or 3 times bigger, plus it's only a couple years old?

Well, we'll see how it all works-out...

Last night, we went shopping from like 8:00 pm to 11:45 pm. After an afternoon nap, we decided to go to Charlottesville, and take care of some shopping business.

Oh well, not much more.

Till' next time...

Friday, August 8, 2008

Day after Wedding Anniversary

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Yesterday, Natasha and I had a busy day - from the beginning to the end.

I surprsised Natasha at her "Teacher Training," by showing-up with some roses (and a magazine with Brad & Angelina's Babies)...

Then, after work we went to Charlottesville for dinner, then we ended-up in Barboursville, at a Shakesspear Play!

It was a really wonderful day, spent between best friends and partners-in-life...

We were exhausted when we went to bed, and now we start it all over again, on Friday.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Happy Anniversary! (4 years and still going strong!)

Tomorrow, August 7th, is mine and Natasha's 4-year Wedding Anniversary!

It's hard to believe 4 years have gone by, already...

I love my sweetheart more and more, everyday!

We're planning on going out for dinner, and we might go to some play, we'll see.

I would tell anyone out there, who's considering marriage, to go for it! It's not that bad. And, you'll always have someone looking out for you, sharing with you useful information, and cheering you on to "be the best you can be."

I love you, Natasha.

Love, Keva

Monday, August 4, 2008

To Good To Be True!

You know the old saying, if it's too good to be true, then it's probably not true? Well, it seems that big house being offered at $195,000 was too good...

Natasha and I are gonna have to "come back down to reality," and find something more in our "range." (I'm unable to upload a photo of just such a house)...

It would have been nice to have a home with 4 toilets, until I had to clean them (note: Kevin is typing this)...

I explained to Natasha that we don't have that many parties, anyways. So, really, we'd be fine with only 1 toilet.

We'll see how it turns-out...

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Nesting - Searching for a Home

Natasha and I are starting to feel the "need to 'nest!'" (see explanation below)

We went and checked-out this house, today (see above). It has 4 bedrooms and 2 full bathrooms and 2 half bathrooms. 3,500 square feet. The asking price is $195,000. We're not sure if we should make an offer. There is currently 1 contract already accepted, but if we offered more money, the bank could reject the first offer, and accept ours.

We realize we don't need such a big house, but this house would sell for alot more, once the market goes back up.

We'll see...

Nesting Instinct

Around the fifth month of pregnancy, the "nesting" instinct can set in. This is an uncontrollable urge to clean one's house brought on by a desire to prepare a nest for the new baby, to tie up loose ends of old projects and to organize your world.

Females of the animal kingdom are all equipped with this same need. It is a primal instinct. Just as you see birds making their nests, mothers-to-be do exactly the same thing. The act of nesting puts you in control and gives a sense of accomplishment toward birth. You may become a homebody and want to retreat into the comfort of home and familiar company, like a brooding hen. The nesting urge can also be seen as a sign of the onset of labor when it occurs close to 40 weeks of pregnancy.

Nesting brings about some unique and seemingly irrational behaviors in pregnant women and all of them experience it differently. Women have reported throwing away perfectly good sheets and towels because they felt the strong need to have "brand new, clean" sheets and towels in their home. They have also reported doing things like taking apart the knobs on kitchen cupboards, just so they could disinfect the screws attached to the knobs. Women have discussed taking on cleaning their entire house, armed with a toothbrush. There seems to be no end to the lengths a nesting mother will go to prepare for her upcoming arrival.

This unusual burst of energy is responsible for women ironing anything in the house that couldn't out run them. Being preoccupied with ant killing, squishing them one at a time for weeks on end. Packing and unpacking the labor bag 50 times. Cleaning the kitchen cupboards and organizing everything by size to the point that you make sure the silverware patterns match when it's stacked in the cutlery drawer. Sorting the baby's clothes over and over again is a favorite theme. Taking them out of the drawers and re-folding them, putting them away and doing it over and over again. Nesting will provide interesting stories for years to come.

When your "nesting" urge hits, try to follow these precautions:

When painting: In the final weeks of pregnancy suppress the overwhelming urge to paint the baby's nursery. Perhaps you could do the planning and designing of the room and let someone else do the actual painting. Paint is a substance to avoid for pregnant women. Pregnant women should avoid exposure to oil based paints, old paint that may contain lead and some latex paints that contain mercury. Most water-based paints can be used but always check the label for contents that could be harmful. Painting should always be done in a large, well-ventilated area to minimize breathing fumes. Wear protective clothing and gloves and never eat or drink in the painting work area.

When cleaning: There are no real issues with disinfecting your house as long as you know the safety of the chemicals you're using. There is no evidence to suggest that there is any link between the use of household cleaners and birth defects. It's a good idea to avoid oven cleaners and dry cleaning products and be careful never to mix ammonia with chlorine-based products, like bleach or cleanser, as the combination produces toxic fumes. Wear rubber gloves when cleaning and try not to breathe strong fumes.

If you have a cat or know that cats are present in your garden: Cat feces can contain a parasite that causes toxoplasmosis, a rare but serious blood infection. If this infection is passed on to your baby, it can cause birth defects such as blindness, deafness or mental retardation. Always wear rubber gloves when cleaning the litter box or assign this chore to another family member until after the baby comes. Avoid all yard work or gardening in areas where cats may have contaminated the soil with feces. It's better to avoid these activities than run the risk of infection.

Nesting can be one of the more humorous aspects of pregnancy. One that you and your partner are sure to laugh about in the years to come...if he ever forgives you for sending him off to work and ripping down all the wallpaper in the hall! You may laugh about it now but you probably won't laugh when you're in the middle of it. No one can pull you out of it no matter how silly your behavior may seem. It simply becomes something that you must do!

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Baby's Heart-Beat (from 1 month ago)

I'm uploading the video of our baby's heartbeat. It's from 1 month ago (late June).

This was the first time we heard our baby making "noise!" (I imagine it won't be the last)...

Just yesterday (August 1st), Natasha went back to the Doctor's office, and got to hear our lil' one's heartbeat, again. I didn't go, because I had to work.

Natasha's next Doctor's Appointment is August 28th. She said they'll do an ultrasound / sonogram, then. (This means we should get to see what our baby looks like, and maybe if we're going to have a boy or girl)...

Remember to vote for your preference.